
Energy Economics: our new service.


“Net Zero shouldn’t cost the earth.”​​​​​​

We have launched a new service to advise clients on business planning for the development and operation of Net Zero buildings.

Our goal is to ensure that every pound spent on anything that uses or generates electricity delivers a quantifiable benefit for our clients’ Net Zero ambitions. We can do this by capturing, harnessing and visualising data to show clients the impacts of their choices as clearly as possible.

Ultimately, we can facilitate sustainable decision making by showing how to make Net Zero economically viable, or even beneficial.

Radical changes in the energy and utility industry.


The way buildings used to get their electricity was linear: national infrastructure fed into local infrastructure, which provided the end user with power. Now, the system is much more complex.

For our clients, this means that:

– Electricity is now lower carbon but not always during peak times

– Electricity prices are more volatile within a day/month/season

– A buildings electrical usage will increase

– There is a premium for electrical capacity
– The integrated nature of carbon, electricity and cost means making and understanding the impact of design decisions is significantly more complex.

Our Energy Economics service helps clients select the right options to deliver Net Zero.